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Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
Journey to the Shochu Capital of Japan, Kagoshima!
The Top 3 Semi-Finalists from Hong Kong and the Top 3 Semi-Finalists from Singapore will have the opportunity to visit Shochu distilleries, attend enlightening talks by experts, and explore bars in Kagoshima.
Make a Splash!
Be a Leader in Mixology!
The 6 Finalists participate in the Grand Finale, showcase their artistry of the Shochu Cocktail and compete for the top winner's trophy in Kagoshima.
Grand Prize
Winner shall receive a cash award of $10,000 HKD (or equivalent in SGD).
The Winner shall have the Option to be appointed as The Hachi Shochu Ambassador under commercial terms to be mutually agreed after completion of the Competition.
All Semi-Finalists shall also be given an opportunity to promote the Shochu Category of spirits at mutually agreed commercial terms.
Competition Details
Registration deadline: 31st May, 2024 Participants are required to submit an online registration form by completing the necessary details for The Hachi Shochu Cocktail Competition 2024. Registration Form
Shochu MasterClass
May 1 -31st, 2024 Every Monday: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th May and 3rd June 2-3pm Once the submission is confirmed, it is mandatory for participants to attend one of the Master Classes. These classes are designed to provide participants with essential knowledge and skills related to the competition. Attendance at the Master Class will help participants better understand the rules, guidelines, and timelines of the competition.
Cocktail Recipe Submission
On or Before June 10th, 2024 Participants should submit their Cocktail Recipe online.
PHASE I - Social Media Posting
June 1- June 30th, 2024 Each Participant can enter with only 1 Hachi Shochu Cocktail. Participants shall share cocktails on social media provided a Social Media Guideline.
This Phase will conclude with a shortlist of candidates who have met all the criteria of the competition during this Phase.
PHASE II – On Site Evaluation
July 1 – 31st, 2024 Judge(s) shall visit participants individually at their venue or at a venue of their choosing to taste the cocktails at a pre-agreed date/time.
Based on the combined evaluation of Phase I and Phase II, 10 Participants shall be shortlisted each in Hong Kong and Singapore.
PHASE III – Semi Finals Competition
August 1 – 31st, 2024 10 Semi Finalists shall be Announced and they shall participate at a Semi-Final Competition at a venue to be confirmed in Hong Kong and Singapore.
3 Semi Finalists each shall be selected to represent Hong Kong and Singapore.
Grand Finale
October / November, 2024 3 Semi-Finalists from Hong Kong with 3 Semi-Finalists from Singapore shall travel to Kagoshima in Japan.
It is expected to be a 3 day & 2 night trip, which will be sponsored by MIZUNARA and will include flight tickets, accommodation, transportation for scheduled itinerary and scheduled food & drinks.
The Trip shall include Shochu Distillery (ies) Visits, Talks by Experts and Specific Bar Visits.