Daiyame (だいやめ)單一蒸餾的番薯本格燒酎 Single Distilled Honkaku Imo Shochu 

900ml   ABV: 25%
傳兵衛藏: 這是濱田酒造的傳統燒酎酒廠,也是他們的第一間的酒廠,主要是秉承濱田精神,堅守其傳統的風味,技術。
傳藏院藏: 這是濱田酒造的創新燒酎酒廠,投入全新設備,追求革新,尋求本格燒酎新的可能性。
金山藏: 這是濱田酒造延續薩摩歷史的酒廠,座落於過去薩摩時代重要經濟來源的串木野金山的礦洞,無論是釀造,儲藏,陳年都是在此進行。
在此介紹的Daiyame 便是來自傳藏院藏,於2018年,為了慶祝濱田酒造150周年所發布的一款全新的番薯本格燒酎。該燒酎以黑米麴和番薯為原料,並透過自家獨創的技術去倍增番薯的芳香成分,形成 “香熟芋” 番薯。該番薯含有豐富的具有新鮮荔枝香氣的芳香成分 (MTA)。
最後,Daiyame (だいやめ) 是鹿兒島的方言,意指疲勞盡消,或者當你感到身心俱疲時,飲一杯叉一叉電吧!當然,毫不意外地,這款獨特的燒酎贏得了2019年
Hamada Shuzo, founded in 1868 in IchikiKushikino City of Kagoshima Prefecture by the Hamada Family is currently managed by its 5th generation and operates 3 distilleries - “Denbeegura”, its first distillery founded in the first year of the Meiji era focusing on the traditional flavours of Honkaku Shochu, “Denzouingura”, an innovative distillery focusing on the evolution and new potential styles of Honkaku Shochu and “Kinzangura”, a traditional distillery that strives to retain the Satsuma spirit and very uniquely located in a 120 km long (gold) mine roadway surrounded by mountains.

Daiyame Shochu, featured here, is from their Denzouingura distillery and was launched to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Hamada Shuzo in 2018. This traditional imo shochu is made from Koujuku-Imo which contains large amounts of the monoterpene alcohol (MTA) and using proprietary methods along with the Kuro Koji (black rice mould) results in a very aromatic shochu...literally bursting with the fragrance of fresh lychee. No surprise that, Daiyame was awarded the top prize in shochu distilled spirits category at the IWSC 2019.

The sweet, fruity and mellow palate with a crispy aftertaste can equally be enjoyed with some sparkling water as a refreshing highball along with a meal that could range from richly flavored cuisine including your favourite pizza, fried chicken, tempura, and spicy food.

“Daiyame” is meant to relax you after a hard day’s work as the name itself suggests in Kagoshima-ben (local dialect)! And we shall surely “Kanpai” to that!
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