探索日本新興威士忌蒸餾廠 - 安積蒸餾所

日本威士忌的盛行使市面上出現了不少鮮為人知的日本威士忌。正因為不熟悉感會使大家對這些新興的日本威士忌卻步,現為大家介紹一間新興的日本威士忌蒸餾廠 安積蒸餾廠(Asaka Distillery)

笹の川酒造株式会社是一間在日本東北地區最古老的的清酒釀造廠, 1946年二次世界大戰後,它們取得製造威士忌的牌照,並且製造威士忌供應給當時駐在郡山市的美軍。該威士忌稱為櫻花威士忌”,但是這名字與製造過程使用櫻花樹木桶沒有關係, 只是源於前公司名字是山櫻酒造 “Yamazakuara”,發音與櫻花 “Sakura”相似而已。


後來現今廣為人知的日本秩父蒸餾廠主席 肥土伊知朗先生收回了他祖父的留下來的羽生威士忌, 笹の川酒造提供酒窖給他暫存羽生威士忌。2005年第一支的羽生卡牌系列也是在笹の川酒廠入瓶。

直到2015年, 日本威士忌復興並盛行於世界上, 笹の川酒造決定開展一間正正式式的威士忌蒸餾廠: 安積蒸餾廠 (Asaka Distillery) 製造日本的單一麥芽威士忌(Single Malt Whisky)。位於日本東北郡山市,擁有天然融雪的水資源和特別的東北氣候,是一個製造威士忌的理想之地。

安積蒸餾廠安裝完畢後,威士忌的蒸餾於2016年開始, 經過三年的期待後,首支單一麥芽威士忌在2019年面世 Asaka the First Japanese Single Malt Whisky

  • 該威士忌陳年在美國波本橡木桶 ( First-fill Bourbon Cask) 最少三年,只發行1500. 雖然簡單,但是可口,甜甜的蜂蜜, 香草味和柑橘味在鼻/口中明顯地反映出波本酒桶的影響,並帶有悠長的餘韻,展現出酒廠的新釀造的精神。

在最近2020年年尾時, 安積蒸餾廠推出他們第一支泥煤味的威士忌 Asaka the First Peated Japanese Single Malt Whisky

  • 該威士忌同樣也是陳年在美國波本橡木桶 ( First-fill Bourbon Cask)最少三年,加入與大部分艾雷島的威士忌相似泥煤程度 – 50ppm。只發行1800瓶。 泥煤氣味撲鼻而來,帶著營火燒木的煙燻味,強勁的氣味麻木過後,甜甜的蜂蜜和香草的香氣慢慢地滲透出來,伴隨著一些焦糖的果皮和水蜜桃的香氣。喝下去, 明顯地嘗到甜甜的蜂蜜同香草味道,但隨之而來的便是泥煤,香料,辣味的衝擊。 尾韻仍是甜, 和胡椒的辣味

當然,安積威士忌雖然是年輕, 但品嘗過這兩款可口的三年陳釀, 也不免對他們的未來的發展帶有期待。對於三年的陳釀,木桶給予的風味本應不大, 很明顯的, 他們在蒸餾新酒(New Make Spirit)下了不少工夫。 這種風格卻與秩父有著異曲同工之妙,透過不同方法的發酵,製造出特別風味的原酒。但秩父蒸餾廠更妙之處在於肥土伊知郎先生的混合威士忌的技巧。作為安積蒸餾廠顧問的他是否也有分享出他的技巧呢?


Mizunara: The Shop :  是一間提供客人選購不同類型威士忌(不論是蘇格蘭的,日本的,有或者美國的), 還有日本燒酎和其他烈酒, 有興趣購買或了解也可以直接到黃竹坑實體店,也可以按此到網店瀏覽。


In this flourish whisky world, there are many Japanese whisky that you might feel unfamiliar appeared in the market. You might be afraid to experience due to the unfamiliar feeling. But now we would like introduced a new Japanese whisky distillery – Asaka Distillery.

Sasanokawa Shuzo Co, is the mother company of Asaka distillery, was the oldest Sake brewer in the Tohoku region of Japan, obtained its license to produce whisky in 1946, after World War II.  Producing and supplying whisky to the Americans, who were part of US Occupation Forces in Koriyama the whisky was called Cherry Whisky (nothing to do with real cherry but rather to do with the second part of their prior company name "Yamazakura Shuzo", which sounds like Sakura i.e. Cherry Blossom).

Due to the comprehensive revision of the alcohol tax in Japan in 1989, domestically produced whisky almost disappeared in the market. However, Sasanokawa Yamazakura have continued to produce a small amount whisky and as the market rebounded in 2015, they decided to open THE ASAKA DISTILLERY to make Japanese Single Malt Whisky. 

Asaka Distillery located at Fukushima, is blessed with clean, "ultra"pure water from the melting snow due to the unique regional climate in the northeast part of Japan, making it an ideal environment for whisky production.

Sasanokawa Shuzo is also the distillery, which famously gave warehouse/storage space to Ichiro Akuto san for his Hanyu casks when they were about to be discarded by the new owners of Toa Shuzo. The first bottling of the Hanyu Card series in 2005 was also completed at Sasanokawa Shuzo.

Distillation started in 2016, and the first single malt whisky was released in 2019 after much anticipation. ASAKA THE FIRST.

  • This single malt is matured in ex-bourbon cask for at least 3 years. Honey Sweet, Vanilla and refreshing citrus notes on the nose/palate reflecting the bourbon cask maturation with a long lingering finish showcasing the distillery's new make spirit.

Most recently towards the end of 2020, Asaka distillery also released their FIRST PEATED among other whiskies from Sasanokawa Shuzo co.


Mizunara: The Shop offers its customers an opportunity to buy a variety of single malt whisky (Japanese Whisky and Scotch), blended whisky, Japanese shochu, Japanese craft gin, Japanese vodka and a fine selection of aged rum. Based out of Hong Kong and Japan, it offers shipping to selective countries overseas. Browse and Shop Now.