安田 100%番薯日本燒酎 Yasuda 100% Imo (Sweet Potato) Japanese Shochu

國分酒造源於6間來自鹿兒島國分市的燒酎製造商組成,並成立「国分酒造協業組合」推動鹿兒島燒酎製造牌照統一化,並設立燒酎製造廠,開始製造燒酎。直到2015年才改名為 「国分酒造株式会社」。
這款安田燒酎於2013由他們的酒廠大師 安田宣久 以獨家手法採用鹿兒島縣產的蔓蕪源氏原隻甜薯和蔓蕪源氏甜薯麴去發酵,創造出這款100%甜薯燒酎,有別於平時採用的米麴發酵,相對地酒香更芳醇,並帶有豐富果香。因此該燒酎以酒廠大師的名字命名: 安田。

品飲紀錄 :

建議飲用方法: 不管是純飲(直接雪凍更佳)還是加冰都可以,當然也不少得配合食物。


Kokubu Shuzo originally formed by the collaboration of 6 producers under "Kokubu Sake Brewing Cooperative Association” in Kokubu City of Kagoshima Prefecture makes this incredibly unique and fruity Shochu, very appropriately named after their Toji/Master Distiller – Mr. Nobuhisa Yasuda and was first released in 2013. Yasuda San uses his own unique methods to make a 100% Imo Shochu using Sweet Potato ("Imo") as the main ingredient and Imo Koji - from Tsurunashigenji Imo (蔓無源氏), which creates a more aromatic and fruity Shochu compared to the usual rice ("Kome") koji.

Bottled at an ABV of 26%,  you will feel the sweet and rich aroma of fruits on the nose (some obvious lychee, hints of peach and perhaps some strawberries). Delicate, fruity, smooth and balanced while retaining the flavours of sweet potato on the palate with a warming finish with some dark chocolate bitterness and a very pleasant after taste.

We recommend either drinking straight up (chilling the bottle could be very nice) or on the rock. And of course, best to pair with some food....but not to be missed for sure!

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