Japanese Shochu can be enjoyed in multiple ways! Read further of how you can step up your drinking game…when it comes to this hidden spirit from Japan.
1. 純飲 (Neat/ Straight)
(Credit: Kuromaru)
To savour Shochu in its pure self, admire all the delicate details in every sip. All kinds of glassware would do the work! Or you can put the bottle in the fridge and enjoy it chilled.
2. 大冰塊 (On The Rocks)
(Credit: Kuromaru)
At first, the full impact of the Shochu will hit your palate. Then, as the ice melts, the dilution from the ice can reduce the intensity of the alcohol’s taste. And the alcohol will be less likely to overpower your palate. After the dilution and at a lower temperature, you may find/enjoy different aroma and flavours in the same Shochu.
3. 熱水 (Oyuwari)
(Credit: whizzky.net)
這種做法在日本非常普遍。最好搭配 Imo (番薯) 燒酎,因為 Imo 燒酎 有很多香氣和甜味。如何享用一杯 Oyuwari?首先在您的玻璃杯中倒入 4 份熱水(約 60°C)。然後,加入6份燒酎。這樣,您就可以享受一杯明亮的香氣和溫和的飲品!
This practice is very common in Japan. It is best with Imo (Sweet Potato) Shochu, since Imo Shochu has lots of aroma and sweetness. To enjoy a Oyuwari, firstly, pour 4 parts of hot water (around 60°C) in your glass. Then, add 6 parts of Shochu. Here you get a bright aroma and yet mild go-to drink!
4. 冰水/水割 (Mizuwari)
(Credit: The Gate)
Mizuwari 是飲用燒酎的 OG 方法,這種傳統現在也用於飲用威士忌。享用一杯水割,請將您喜歡的燒酎倒入岩杯(Rock Glass)中。然後,裝滿冰塊,以 6 份燒酒對 4 份水的比例將水倒到杯裏,攪拌一下就完成了!當然,你都可以因個人喜好隨意調節份量!
Mizuwari is another traditional/original method to consume Shochu and this tradition has been used for Whisky too. To enjoy a Mizuwari, pour your choice of Shochu in a rock glass. Then, fill it with ice, and pour water to the brim in a proportion of 6 parts Shochu to 4 parts water, stir it and you're done! Please feel free to adjust the proportion to match your preference.
5. Chu-Hi
(Credit: Hamada Syuzou Co Ltd.)
Chu-Hi 的名稱是 ShoCHU-HIghball 的縮寫。準備好你的高球杯並裝滿冰塊。倒入您選擇的燒酎(最好用大麥燒酎或者一啲新推出,果香味較重的燒酎),然後加入蘇打水!最後,你可以放一片檸檬皮在杯上 😊
The name of Chu-Hi is the abbreviation of a ShoCHU-HIghball. Get your highball glass ready and fill it with ice. Pour your choice of shochu (preferably with Barley Shochu or some of the new Shochu releases which are very fruity) and top it up with soda or sparkling water! Drop a lemon peel if you are feeling fancy 😊
6.酸酒/雞尾酒 (Sour/ Cocktail)
(Credit: Kuromaru)
您可能以前聽說過威士忌酸酒(Whisky Sour),但燒酎酸酒(Shochu Sour) 在日本同樣受歡迎!調酒師將燒酎與酸和糖漿結合,打造一杯所有雞尾酒愛好者也喜愛的夏日飲品。
You may have heard of Whisky Sour before, but Shochu Sour is just as popular in Japan! Bartenders combine Shochu with citrus and syrup, creating a refreshing summer drinks for all cocktail lovers.