侍士之門 限量版 日本番薯燒酎 Samurai No Mon Limited Edition Sweet Potato (Imo) Shochu

太久保酒造,最初以”久保釀造” 之名 在1893年創立,並於1990年更名。當時便以自己的農場生產的優質甜薯(“Imo”)而享有盛譽(他們還向日本其他燒酎酒造提供了這些甜薯)。 大久保酒造是位於鹿兒島縣志布志市,在九州島的氣候下非常適合種植優質甜薯。更是一家全手工藝的釀造酒廠,整個過程包括甜薯的生長,收穫,加工並最終製造出燒酎,都只有十二個人負責。
侍士之門》是太久保酒造的年度限量版,僅可通過日本各地的指定經銷商購買。 它的原料是選用優質的「源氏」甜薯和「白玉米」米麴,以及黑米麴,通過常壓蒸餾,並萃取全部的香氣和風味,製造出這款充滿複雜的香氣,似花香,似番薯香氣,入口濃郁的鮮味,略帶甜味,尾韻悠長,帶著溫和的辛辣味。
它是非常溫和,易於飲用,可以直接飲用或在加冰享用。 還可以學鹿兒島傳統飲法 Oyuwari(加入一定比例的熱水),以增強香氣和風味。 配搭食物,可以與一些炸魚,肉,辛辣食物,或者一些日式料理例如味噌蛋黃,肉凍等。讓你在回味武士時代的同時,享受珍貴的風味。
該酒榮獲HKIWSC 2018銀獎,HKIWSC 2019銅獎和洛杉磯國際烈酒大賽2018銀獎。
* 源氏甜薯:是被認為是所有甜薯的起源,非常特殊。
Ookubo Shuzo, originally founded in 1893 as Kubo Jozo was renamed in 1990 and has had a strong reputation for its high quality sweet potato (“Imo”) production at its own farms (which they also supply to other Shochu producers in Japan). Located in the city of Shibushi, Kagoshima Prefecture on the island of Kyūshū the climate is ideal for growing high-quality sweet potatoes and with only twelve people growing, harvesting, processing the imo to finally producing the Shochu, Ookubo Shuzo is truly a craft distillery.

Samurai No Mon is an annual limited release from Ookubo Shuzo, which is available only at select dealers throughout Japan. Produced by atmospheric distillation, it captures the full aroma and flavor of their high quality ingredients including their farm grown “Genji-imo” variety (considered quite special as it is regarded as the origin of all sweet potato) and the rice for the Koji, “Shiratama-mai” which was originally grown in the Edo era in Satsuma and Huga area (currently known as Kagoshima and Miyazaki). Specially cultivated again by Ookubo after a 154 year hiatus on their own "Dainan Nojo" farm in Kagoshima, this rice, along with their Imo and Kuro Koji (black koji), delivers a slightly sweet, floral, crisp and delicately spicy palate with a deep umami aroma and a complexity that stays in the mouth for long. Yet it remains very gentle, easy to drink and can be enjoyed straight or on the rocks. We would also recommend Oyuwari (i.e. with hot water) which enhances the aroma and flavours. Pairs perfectly with fried fish and meat, spicy food but also with some sweet desserts. Enjoy the precious flavours while reminiscing about the Samurai era.
Awarded HKIWSC Silver 2018, HKIWSC Bronze 2019 and Los Angeles International Spirits Competition 2018 Silver.
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