Kilchoman 威士忌和巧克力體驗:與 Peter Wills 的虛擬品鑑活動,4 月。 2021 年 1 日晚上 8:00 香港時間



日期:2021 年 4 月 1 日,星期四


我們很高興地宣布,我們將於 4 月 1 日星期四晚上 8 點在 ZOOM 上與 Peter Wills 一起舉辦我們的第二次奇爾霍曼威士忌品酒會。這一次,我們不僅將與 Peter Wills(創始人 Anthony Wills 的兒子)一同推出 6 支 Kilchoman 威士忌,還將包括巧克力品嚐/搭配體驗,其中有 2 款酒吧專為搭配 Kilchoman 威士忌而設計。

選項 1:一套30 毫升的品嚐套裝,包含 6 種不同的 Kilchoman 威士忌Machir BaySanaigFino Sherry Cask 2020Am Burach 2020 (Port Cask Vatting)、 Sado The Host Madeira Cask Finish - Mizunara Private CaskSado The Guest PX cask Finished - Mizunara Private Cask)展示了各種木桶熟化/表面處理。港幣 590 元,包括香港送貨。

選項 2:選項 1 中提到的 30 毫升 x 6 威士忌套裝 +兩塊(每塊 80 克)來自 Kilchoman 的巧克力:1 塊大西洋海鹽和青檸牛奶巧克力和 1 塊哈吉斯香料黑巧克力。此選項還包括在 4 月 1 日至 4 月 30 日期間在我們的 Wong Chuk Hang 商店購買任何 Kilchoman 的免費 50 港元禮券。 HKD 690 包括香港送貨。如果您只想購買巧克力,請點擊這裡。

選項 3:加入您自己的威士忌和巧克力,只需報名參加活動 -免費!


Please be informed that this is a ticketed event. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to allow us to use your contact information for event-related communication. Mizunara: The Shop values your privacy and is committed to safeguarding it. Your data will only be used by Mizunara: The Shop and for future marketing promotions.

Photographs and videos taken during the event may be published on our website, social media, or other promotional materials. By purchasing a ticket, you consent to the use of images and/or videos featuring you for marketing and promotional purposes. If you do not consent, please contact us via WhatsApp +852 3705 9770 before the event.

Please note that event details such as date, time, location, and programming are subject to change. In the event of a cancellation, ticket holders will be notified, and refunds may be issued.

The event organizers and venue are not responsible for any personal injury, property damage, or other claims arising from your attendance at the event.